Welcome To 2b Innovations
2b Innovations is a proficient IT and Training company specializing in Digital Transformation, Cyber Security, managed services, and mobile app development.

Our Services

Digital Transformation

Revolutionize how your business operates by developing tailor made digital assets or shifting IT resources and services to scalable, secure, flexible cloud platforms. Our experts guide organizations to streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and achieve cost efficiencies while leveraging advanced technologies such as AI and data analytics. 

Cyber Security

Our offerings encompass a wide range of solutions which safeguard digital systems, networks, and data from evolving threats. Our experts implement robust cybersecurity protocol and help organizations fortify defenses against evolving cyber threats to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of processes and information.


Our training programs equip professionals with the latest skills and knowledge required to harness cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cyber security. By staying ahead of industry trends, enterprises can not only enhance their competitive edge but also foster innovation within their teams. Empower employees to adapt to technological advancements, driving efficiency, creativity, and ultimately, organizational growth with advanced technology trainings. 

Holistic Digital Transformation

We partner with new age organizations to deliver cutting edge technologies on budget which ensure enhanced business performance.


Client Testimonial

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority Utilities

Multiple real world wins have cemented the value of implementing machine identity management across our organization. ​

Athena Group Education

With 2b’s tailor made MDM we were able to control the screen time of students and their exposure to restricted web apps improving on our parent’s satisfaction levels. ​

Dubai Sports Council Government

We can’t stop everything that comes in which is why we rely on 2b’s platform. Their value added services consistently, exceed our expectations. ​

Department of Information and Public Relations, Punjab Media

2b Innovations custom developed digital signage platform for our healthcare clinics has exponentially raised awareness of our schemes and new initiatives.

Eritel Government

We have been using 2b’s managed security services platform for almost three years now. Their solution provides us the equivalent coverage and workload of four full time staff at the cost of less than one.

Our Esteemed Clients

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