EDR vs. SIEM: How they differ and why you need both


Virus scanners and routers used to be good first lines of defense, but things have changed. Cybercriminals need more work and skill to get into networks and data centers and hold companies for ransom. So, having more than one level of safety is key. 

Try to picture your data center as a castle and your data center as a king or queen. Making sure they are safe would be helpful. To protect your base, build a wall around the outside. This is your virus checker and protection. 

What happens if the bad guys break through the wall? Because the leaders and everything else inside the castle must be protected at all costs, you did a great job of keeping your home safe by adding a pond, a draw bridge, guards, and maybe even a dragon. 

MSPs need to start caring about their safety as well as the safety of their clients. For a defense plan to work, it needs to have more than one way to keep bad guys away. Such a setup makes endpoint detection and response tools (EDR) and security information and event management (SIEM) work better. 

There is no such thing as EDR vs. SIEM regarding EDR and SIEM. Let’s look into why having EDR and SIEM in your security tech stack makes it work better.

What EDR software is and why it is important

Computers and other devices send and receive data about security risks. Endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools study this data and look for security loopholes as they happen. When you plan with EDR, you can react more quickly to threats that have been found or might happen. 

Endpoints are what let people join a network. They’re like the back door keys or secret pathways. You use these things, like screens, phones, and computers. All of these have holes in them that bad people are always looking for to use to get into the network. 

EDR tools can provide MSPs with the following benefits:

Better compliance—More businesses must follow strict rules to comply with laws and rules like HIPAA and GDPR. Every day, EDR can help you keep your data safe and fix any issues that may arise. You can also quickly find any times your clients get in without permission and give them thorough records to show compliance officers. 

A better view of the network—EDR tools Always monitor system controls. You can see risks and right away do something about them. It’s easy to spot ransomware and malware attacks and figure out where they came from. This keeps the business safe. Your clients will also be able to see more about what other users are doing and what programs are running on computers that are far away. 

Not as much risk –There is less risk because EDR keeps an eye on your clients and gives them detailed reports. Hackers can’t use weak spots against you if you fix them first. Your clients can also stop an insider attack if they know more about how users act. You can also use EDR data to determine how safe your client is and then take steps to make them safer. 

Lower costs- Your clients will save money because they will spend less on security events. EDR will help you find threats and fix them fast. The EDR tools give a complete overview of detailed reports that help you to deal with the threats in advance. 

There are chances of a data breach also, which can cost you a lump amount. Hence, fixing the safety issues will result in less time and money.

A stronger place in cybersecurity- 

EDR plays a very important role in looking for real threats quickly and cutting down false alarms. You can easily respond to the important threats that need immediate action and rank the other ones. EDR reporting serves you with all the reports and information that you need to upgrade and improve your client’s security. Finally, the reputation and the security of your client, both will improve and will be at least risk.

The EDR system that you choose and set up can make the difference. Moreover, the vendor drives are also of great help. You can undo changes, quickly query endpoint data, and stop threats at the endpoint, which are also very useful. 

Use cases for EDR software.

We hope that this gave you a detailed description of EDR. Now that you know about EDR and how can it be useful, read these real-life case studies on EDR software.

Securing the supply chain

In comparison with the computer strikes of 2022, there have been 40% more supply chain attacks. Nearly 10 million people and 1743 organizations were harmed because of this.

Companies that work with partners or other companies outside their network must always keep a close eye on their digital infrastructure. EDR lets you safely connect your operations with those of other companies and partners that help you because it tracks and reports on user actions and apps. 

Adherence to industry compliance

Violations of safety rules can be quite costly in several areas. Data and systems must be managed carefully to follow PCI standards and some financial laws. Things can get very expensive if these rules are damaged.

That said, no one in these governing groups forces you to use EDR. By constantly watching connections and user behavior, EDR can help stop compliance issues when you put it into your client’s system. 

Once in a while, there is a compliance event, but the people in charge are often not given enough information and reports. EDR would also help make a useful and interesting report in case there is a problem with compliance.

Cyber insurance

Businesses can get back on the right track financially after a hack with the help of cyber insurance. You have to help your clients get internet insurance as part of your job. They like businesses with EDR methods in place, so they give this protection. Insurance companies are likelier to insure their business if EDR helps lower their risk. 

What is SIEM, and why is it important?

The security event logs of all the devices in your network are collected and organized by SIEM. This helps you find hacks and find them before they happen. With SIEM, you can get log and event data from network devices, systems, apps, and services and put it all in one place. Based on this, security teams can better see what’s going on in all parts of the IT ecosystems from a “single pane of glass.” 

Because this data is so easy to access, your team has an edge in the fight against hacking. You can study event data, make logs better, meet legal standards, and accept data from many network sources. These are the eyes and ears that keep an eye on your castle. 

Benefits of SIEM solutions for MSPs

Automatic detection of threats –

AI is used in modern SIEM systems to find known and new cyber threats. Most of the time, finding these risks by hand is a tedious job. SIEM can improve cybersecurity and give your team more time to work on important tasks.

Making changes –

You can make your plans for most SIEM systems. MSPs and IT technicians can make dashboards that give them daily access to the data they need.

Monitoring in real-time –

With SIEM, MSPs can be cautious and avoid cyber threats because it lets them monitor their clients’ networks and user behavior in real time.

Better management –

With unified dashboards, MSPs can monitor multiple networks or IT settings from one location. This makes internal processes run more smoothly and helps with growth.

better efficiency –

In more than one way, SIEM apps make your defense work better. If you use SIEM, the number of fake alarms in your clients’ systems will drop. SIEM will also speed up the time it takes to find and fix problems after a disaster by helping with proactive recognition.

Use cases for SIEM software.

SIEM can also protect your clients from threats inside your company. The app’s features let MSPs watch what their employees are doing. You can track when a user’s access to sensitive data is increased or when an employee changes between systems within the company, which is a common way for insider threats to happen. 

SIEM can also find many hacks which help MSPs protect their client’s data. SIEM systems can see both brute force attacks and PowerShell attacks, which lets MSPs protect their client’s data in a strong, multilayered way.

EDR vs SIEM: what sets them apart

EDR and SIEM are needed to provide the many layers of cybersecurity safety needed in today’s world, where threats are always changing. In the end, EDR and SIEM are used for different things. 

Difference between EDR and SIEM:

Management of data – 

EDR tools get data from the source because they constantly watch apps and user activity at system ports. On the other hand, SIEM needs other tools, like EDR, to collect and combine data into hacking intelligence and possible reactions.

Area of focus – 

EDR tools focus more on system endpoints, like user screens, while SIEM tools are more concerned with protecting and giving access to an organization’s whole network.

Ability to respond to threats – 

EDR tools can help with responding to incidents. Some EDR tools can start an automatic issue reaction based on rules you set up ahead of time in the platform. SIEM systems are best for finding incidents but aren’t very good at responding to them.

Why EDR and SIEM work better together

The overall approach works better when you look at SIEM and EDR side by side. When it comes to your clients, an EDR can find, stop, limit, and fix problems more quickly. It checks these risks and returns to “safe” versions if needed. SIEM technology also helps you protect your clients better by letting you see the whole IT system of a company by studying data from many sources. This lets security teams find events even when there are no ways to stop them. 

In the case of malware that doesn’t use files, for instance, EDR systems often can’t find and stop it. This malware is bad because it takes advantage of security holes that let hackers take over and gather data they can use in later attacks, like a phishing scam. 

Malware that doesn’t need files is one reason why more MSPs are starting to use advanced SIEM and EDR systems together. You don’t have to download anything for this malware to work. It gets into your computer’s memory, not just the hard drive because you use it daily in apps.

Firewalls might be unable to find this way because it doesn’t use files. MSPs can see all the threats that are happening right now against their clients and catch advanced threats that they might not have found otherwise by adding these advanced defenses to their security technology stack.

When set up right, EDR and SIEM can work together or fill in where one falls short. EDR keeps an eye on what each endpoint does and reports on it. Thanks to this, you’ll always know what’s going on in the “front lines” of the network. It will help them stop the most common kinds of cyberattacks: social engineering and human error. 

SIEM can monitor your client’s business, while EDR tools work hard to protect the device environment. Information will keep coming from all over your client’s system and being sent to you by the platform. Besides that, it will all be shown on one nice screen.

Because the two systems work together, you can quickly see and stop risks before they happen. This is how most hacks and cyber threats can be stopped before they do a lot of damage. 

You can use our MSP danger report to update your team on the newest and most common attack methods. If an MSP knows what kinds of attack paths to look for, they will stand out. 

Choosing the right EDR and SIEM solutions

The most important thing to remember is that comparing SIEM and EDR is an old-fashioned way of doing things. You need the highest amount of layered security possible to provide strong hacking safety.

2b innovation Cybersecurity Management is a complete set of security tools and solutions to give MSPs the most security and insight possible. New SIEM and EDR technology is paired with SOC services that are available 24/7/365 to fill in your clients’ security holes. Start right away by looking at our collection of hacking demos and trials.  


Which is more effective in detecting and responding to security threats, EDR or SIEM?

The type of danger you are trying to find will determine the best result. There are some differences between EDR and SIEM in terms of what they do. Both are very good at finding and combating security risks. Malware outbreaks are one threat that EDR is better at finding because it is already on the device. Not only that, but EDR can also gather a lot of information about dangers, which can help look into and handle events.

When dangers come into the network, like malicious data, SIEM is better at finding them. If these logs are linked, SIEM can also find odd behavior.

Using EDR and SIEM together would be best because many cyber threats will likely attack MSP clients. Finding and stopping strikes will be easier if you have a bigger picture of the threats.

Can EDR and SIEM be used together in a cybersecurity strategy?

Yes.EDR and SIEM can work together in a protection plan; this layered method is often the best way to find and fix problems.

For example, EDR can help gather much knowledge about endpoint threats already out there. When this data is sent to SIEM tools, it can be compared to logs from across an entire client company. This makes it easier to spot and stop strikes quickly and successfully.

By putting these tools together, you can also automate some jobs related to finding and responding to threats. EDR, for instance, can automatically be used to put infected endpoints in a quarantine area, and SIEM can let security researchers know about any strange behavior automatically. This could give your team more time to work on more important tasks.

Are there any limitations or drawbacks of using EDR or SIEM?

MSPS needs to have both EDR and SIEM for security reasons. Here are some things to consider.


  • Buying and keeping up with some choices can cost a lot.
  • If your client’s business has a lot of links, it can be hard to set up and run EDR tools.
  • Your team needs a plan ready to help them look for and look into risks because EDR systems make a lot of data.


  • Some SIEM systems can be hard to tune, so they send correct alerts.
  • Sometimes, finding problems may take longer if data is handled more slowly.
  • That shouldn’t change how an MSP uses these tools. It would help if you learned about them beforehand to find ways to get around them and utilize their advantages.

How do EDR and SIEM contribute to overall cybersecurity posture?

Together, EDR and SIEM make the following security improvements: 

Clearer visibility: 

By working together, EDR and SIEM reveal more about a company’s safety and possible issues. By doing this, problems may be easier to find and handle more quickly and well.

Identifying danger more accurately: 

Data from many sources is gathered and looked at by both EDR and SIEM. As a result, problems may be found that would not have been seen otherwise.

Automate reply:

While EDR and SIEM automate some of the work needed to find dangers and react to them, security experts can focus on more important tasks.

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